Category Archives: Science and Technology

New Study addresses smoking effects on women

The risks and effects of smoking are not a new phenomenon to anyone due to the sustained messaging from public health organizations, and still it is undeniable that the reports on smoking effects on women and others continue to be researched and presented.   And for good reason due to the continued high levels of […]

Why Is Smoking Addictive? It’s Probably Not Just Nicotine, Despite What We’ve Been Told For Years

By Peter Sergo October 24, 2013 / Medical Daily / Auckland, New Zealand – When we think about smoking’s addictive qualities, the culprit that most often comes to mind is the infamous stimulant, nicotine. The plethora of patches and chewing gums available on store shelves that are meant to dull that itch attest to how nicotine […]

Electronic Cigarettes: No Adverse Effects on Coronary Microcirculation

August 31, 2013 / Medscape / AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS — Authors of a small study looking at the microcirculatory effects of electronic cigarettes say their findings offer more early reassurances of safety for the newfangled devices, given that long-term studies on hard end points will be a long time coming[1]. “This study adds to currently […]

Gene influences success of nicotine replacement therapy in smokers

October 17, 2013 / Washington University in St. Louis / — A gene that controls how quickly smokers process nicotine also predicts whether people who try to kick the habit are likely to respond to nicotine replacement therapy, a new study shows. Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, the University of Wisconsin […]

Duke nicotine research conference examines tobacco addiction

October 12, 2013 / The Herald Sun / Durham, NC — Studies for decades have linked the cravings of cigarette smokers to nicotine. But researchers are beginning to pick apart the more than 4,000 other substances found in tobacco to find other clues regarding addiction. The Duke Nicotine Research Conference, in its 19th year, brought […]

Tobacco, Nicotine & Cessation – Not all are equal

As the debate about e-cigarettes grows, one of the side notes is the more commonly drawn distinction between smoking cessation and nicotine cessation.  This separation of smoking and nicotine is an important one for the public policy and health advocates.  It provides a reasonable rationale for regulating e-cigarettes more favorably than cigarettes and other combustible […]

Risk for Nicotine Addiction Tied to Mother’s Childbirth Stress

October 8, 2013 / / — A new study suggests that if you are female, the stress your mother experienced while giving birth can increase your risk of nicotine addiction. Researchers followed more than 1,000 pairs of mothers and their adult children for 40 years. They discovered adult women whose mothers had increased levels of stress […]

New research finds brain may be wired to nicotine addiction

September 30, 2013 / / — New research conducted at The Rockefeller University, Washington University School of Medicine and the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin published in the Sept. 30, 2013, edition of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences indicates that the brain may be wired toward nicotine addiction. Previous studies have […]

FDA, NIH Create 14 Centers to Do Tobacco Research

By MICHAEL FELBERBAUM AP Tobacco Writer September 19, 2013 / Associated Press / Richmond VA — The Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health are awarding millions in funding to create 14 centers to conduct research on tobacco products. Officials said Thursday that the agencies have awarded up to $53 million for […]

Why Nicotine is So Addictive

July 31, 2013 / Business Insider / — When someone says a substance is addictive, they can mean two separate things. Physically addictive, more accurately physically dependent, is when your body begins to depend on the presence of a particular substance for its physical well being. It’s begun compensating its normal processes to adjust for […]